Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall Semester 2010

fall semester has officially started haha. i only have two subjects for this semester which are - interpersonal communication and nutrition. i picked up my books a week before classes starts.

A) Interpersonal Communication - just by flipping through the pages, i can tell that this will be a boring subject and truly enough, it is. it teaches you how to communicate "appropriately" to the people around you like your mom, dad, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend (can you believe there is a subject for that?!) the teacher seems nice but her mellow voice makes me fall asleep. English is my weakest subject, that is why i guess i don't like this subject in the first place.

oh well, its all in the mind. i might as well enjoy it; and hopefully this subject gets better as the weeks go by.

B) Nutrition - as you can see, the book is still shrink-wrapped so i didn't had the chance to browse through it. the title - Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies - the "controversy" word caught my attention. i'm so glad that this subject is totally opposite the comm class. i love the classroom (like the ones you see on the movies). the subject itself is interesting with a mix of


i like how the teacher piques our mind. i can tell that the class is very competitive which is good 'coz that would make me competitive as well.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Take on The Last Airbender

- when I saw the trailer of this movie I knew that i wanted to watch this. Before it is shown on theater, I watched the whole cartoon series from Book 1 to 3 on netflix instant play. I loved the cartoon series so I was excited with this movie.

- I wanted to watch it on 3d coz I know that element bending would come to life. The first few minutes of the movie when my excitement was still high - i was loving it, specially the intro where they show the element benders and when katara does her water bending

- But as the movie goes on - i felt that there are many things that fell short with my expectations

- i wasnt feeling the cast and actors of this movie. in the series, katara looks older than soko. but in the movie she was way younger than her brother. soko was like the jokester in the series. he is clumsy and the life of the gang, but in the movie, he was so serious. i guess aang was ok but i miss the playfulness of this character. i like Dev Patel at slumdog millionaire, but for some reason, it was painful watching him on this movie. i wonder how it'll look like if Jesse McCartney accepted the role as the prince of Fire Nation. all the Fire Nation casts were Indians. I guess one or two Indian cast was ok - BUT THE ENTIRE FIRE NATION? - you might say, well the prince is indian and the fire lord is indian so it make sense that the entire nation are indians. well Uncle Iroh, the brother of the fire lord wasnt indian. i was thinking if Freida Pinto would portray Azula, but she didnt. why is Azula Chubby in this movie? Why is the FIRE LORD short haired on this movie? It wouldnt be a surprise Freida appears on the second or third input of this movie portraying tylee or mai. In the movie, fire nation looked more japanese or korean.

- of course a lot was cut off from the series. i did understand that they didnt have the luxury of time. book one has 20 episodes which is about 480 minutes and they have to compress everything to 90 minutes. the movie was kinda confusing because the jump of the story to another is really wide. it did not catch the heart of Book 1. watching the series made me feel good, fun and wanting for more; but this movie gave me a different mood. i mean yeah there are many movie excerpt from books, games and all but i still liked the movie version.

- i wish there were more appa and momo moments.

- they pronounced the characters name different from the series. in the series SOKA is pronounced as SAKA but in the movie is SOHKAH. Uncle Iroh was pronounced as AYROH in the series but EEHHHROOH on the movie.

- seriously, M. Night Shayamalan (director of this movie) did you even watch the series? overall if you are an avatar: the last airbender fan, the movie might be a disappointment. but for those people who havent watched the series, mmm maybe you will like the awesome graphics of this movie. i admit, i did love the rendering of the element bending.

- well see if the second installment would be better - IT BETTER BE!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Iphone4, Iphone Case

- buying apple products can be a grueling whole day event (except for those who pre-ordered and their apple was served on a silver platter, was it? i hope your package was not thrown like a flying saucer by the UPS guy)

- i said, i wont rush buying the new iPhone 4 and just wait till August, but when I say I'm not buying, I am actually buying.

- June 24, I didnt pre-order but i still tried my best of getting one. I called every Apple Store (even the one 473 miles away from me - hahaha) and every store was sold out. i was just trying to push my luck but no luck

- June 29, its ATT iphone 4 launch day. at 7pm, i drove straight to a nearby AT&T store, without taking shower and not even brushing my teeth (lol). i just wanna gauge the line if its short or long. fortunately, twas kinda short like an hour wait (compared to 1 day wait on the initial launch day).

-i went back home and prepared to fall in line, when i came back to the capitol expressway branch, line was shorter. my hopes were high. but it was crushed after 5 minutes when one staff said they are already sold out. then i called the story road branch and the staff said they have stock. i was like number 30 in line and after 5 minutes, they said that they only have 5 iphones left. damn! why is this iphone 4 so elusive!.

-then i called another branch at the blossom hill and they said they do have stock. i went there and out of all 3 branches, they have the shortest line. one guy even said, "how come there are no people?" - are you kidding me, if you want to wait longer you shouldve waited on the initial launch day. and the staff said there are only 10 iphone 32gigs left and no more 16 gigs.

- out of like 12 people in line, only 4 of us is gonna buy the 32 gigs and the rest 16gb. after 10 minutes of waiting, finally

- taddaa!!!
- of course, getting the gadget is only half of the grueling task. now I have to find an accessory. been running around apple stores here at the south bay and all are sold out. most AT&T's are sold out too. but i was able to find one. its the Incio's silicrylic case. it is a combination of soft silicon case and a hard acrylic case.

comes with two silicon case and one acrylic back case

- i almost grovel because of tiredness (not really, im just exagerating ) but its all worth it when you get what you want and so far im really liking my new toy. the retina display almost makes the images pops out. for sure, like its predecessors, im gonna love this phone. iphone is the number 1 for me after all

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Life 30 years from now...

I was organizing my External Hard Drive and found this document.

I wrote this journal way back in September 2008. I think this was the time that I felt my life don't have any direction and I was tired of the monotony. So I've read, If you want change in your life, you have to write your short term and long term goals and here is what I came up.

My Life 50 years from now….

There comes a point in life where everything seems POINTLESS…pointless meaning you feel tired of what is happening in your life…and that is NOTHING. Everything seems stagnant and you just want to change every aspect of it coz you don’t feel happy anymore. Hoping to ameliorate quality of life and living at your full potential.

Change is not easy but taken one step at a time, it is attainable. You are your own steward.

The FIRST STEP…SET Goals and TIME Frame of what you want to achieve.

1year from now…
• Enroll to a junior college (not sure which college yet) and finish some pre-requisites.

2 years from now
• Buy a house and make a profit out of it. I love Santa Clara County but I wanted to explore other places. I’m looking at Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles.
• Hopefully I’m in Associates Degree in Nursing program

3 years from now
• Finished my Associates Degree In Nursing with a grade of B (A is licious but its hard to achieve that, C is honorable in a nursing degree so its ok too)

6 years from now
• Get my Bachelors Degree in Nursing

10 years from now
• Get a Masteral Degree in Nursing so I can teach when I retire.

15 years from now
• I hope I’ve established a business in my earlier years and going stronger
• I might go dot a medical school and become a doctor.

33 years from now
• I’ll be 60 at this time and on my retirement years but I’d still probably want to work until I can
• If I’m not practicing then I want to teach here in USA or in the Philippines

Of course vacation in between years, travel the world and have my own loving family. I’m blessed with a wonderful love life and could not ask for more. So let see if things Happen the way I wanted it to be. We’ll I’ve already taken the first step today which is attending the NURSING Workshop at Evergreen Valley College. Everything is not yet lucid from here but at least I took a step to make a CHANGE.

STOP Do Not Read…Its Just my Journal and little notes for myself…but if you want to then just go on…

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back to School

Moodle - is like an online class where students can access their homework, quizzes, exams, grades, etc. isnt that cool? hehehe. when our microbiology teacher was showing us Moodle, i remembered my thesis in college and it is kinda same idea with moodle. the school previously used blackboard for online contents of the course but moodle is much better (in terms of GUI)

click to enlarge image

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Junk Food, Looking Back 2008 and 2009, Journal

A) Junk Food - who doesnt love 'em? One of my favorite is Munchies Flaming Hot by Frito Lay. I like the mixed taste of hot, salty, sweet and bland palette. Munchies is a combination of Sunchips (Baja Picante), Cheetos (flamin Hot), Doritos (salsa flavor), and Rold Gold (classic)

B) Looking Back 2008 and 2009

I was doing some papers for work when I saw my old journal (2009) inside the steel cabinet. I grabbed it coz its not supposed to be there and should be kept in my room. But anyways, even if somebody browse tru it, they really wont understand whats written on it since I've created my own script.

So what was I doing exactly Two years and A Year Ago?


Jan 1'08 - i wrote that I was excited for this year because they say it is a lucky year for me. Since my bday is 08-08-81, ill be celebrating on 08-08-08 and that day is the luckiest day of the decade too. I bought this game at gamestop which is Metroid Prime, a gamecube platform which I can play on my Wii. I can't believe that its already 2010 and I havent even played this game yet. haha

Jan 2'08 at 12:34am i was watching ABC's Duel and I made some list that I should do for this year

* Books to Read
- Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Event ( havent done that)
- Artemis Fowl Books 1-5 (just read 1 book)
- Eragon (havent read it)
- Wizardy (havent read)
- well with these list it is obvious that I lean towards fantasy and more teen books than adults

* Restaurant to visit
- January - Macaroni Grill (check)
- Feb - Chilis (check)
- March - Red Robin (check)
- April - Carrows (check)
- May - IHOP (check)
- June - Australian Outback (nope)
- July - Red Lobster (check)
- Aug - Cheesecake factory (check)
- Sept - Sizzlers (Check)
- Oct - Ruby Tuesdays (nope)
- Nov - Persian Grill (check)
- Dec i was undecided

*Games to finish
- FInal fantasy tactics for Psp (check)
- Final Fantasy revnant wings for DS (nope)
- Mario Galaxy (I've finished it last Summer before Fall Semester hehe)
- Final Fantasy 12 for PS3 (havent finished but plan to start it all over again)

Jan 2 - I wrote a prayer and wished for something. Before my bday, I got that wish that changed my life forever. Truly this year was the luckiest year and day for me.

No entries until Jan 6'08 where I wrote about a GameBlog for PSP FF Tactics.


Jan 1'09 - there was a party with My cuz house and we danced all night like Gaga. Around 3am, we went to SF (Me, Jack, Liezl) with Mark and Gyro to visit Gene

Jan 2'09 - Mood: Happy -I was at my case. Me, Rita and Miles went to Pruneyard and watch Milk. After work (10pm) me and my friend Lance went to Quicklys

Jan 3'09 - Mood: Sleepy/Happy/Excited - I have work (reading this now I cant believe I was able to work that day 8am - 10pm when I was late out last night) It was my last day and around 10:30pm, me and my friend went to the Gym and Swim. After working out, he said he was hungry and that he will treat me out sa Quicklys. We ordered foods and unfortunately he wasnt aware that they dont take cards but cash, so I ended up paying for everything hahaha but it was ok it was just around ($15)

I miss going to Quicklys late at night with my friends and cousins hehehe

Jan 4'09 - Rita told me that Benjamin Button was a good movie and I've watched that today at AMC. It was a quite interesting movie and I liked it.

C) Journal - I think it is really fun to have a Journal coz it serves are your memory bank. Sometimes when I read them, I just find myself laughing, reminiscing. How time flies so fast.

For this year, I didnt buy any fancy journal, just a plain regular composition notebook ($1 at Target). It is just the right size so when I wanted to draw, stick movie tickets, receipts, etc. I can do so without cramping space.

If you want to have your own Journal, here are some tips.

1) write everything you want. journals are not only for documenting what happens to your everyday life but maybe lessons, plans, goals in life or SECRETS hahaha

2) so your journal wont be boring, stick some mementos in it. or when you are at work or class. just put an entry, your mood that time of the day and draw or doodle

3) I use to buy those journals that is like a daily planner but it is not recommended for me since I dont make entries everyday. sometimes one page is not enough for an entry

4) make your own SCRIPT. what I mean by script is your own letter where you are the only one who can understand it. a script something like this ----q"j(i) <_l-- 8_ j(-)P"_t-----(you cant read it right? since Im the only one who can decipher it) ska para kahit iwanan mo yung journal mo kahit saan di mababasa ng kahit kanino . If you entries can be shared in public then use the regular alphabets otherwise use your own script to keep those personal entries youve made (specially those dark secrets no one should ever know mwahhaha) . But I recommend to use your own script everytime so you get to practice and wont forget it.

After you've used up all the pages keep it. after some years when you read it, youll be surprised, happy, excited, mad, sad, etc. lolz I cant explain basta un na yun, masaya sya at ang dami na palang nangyari sa buhay mo

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Random Roars: Blue Moon and Planner

My first blog for the decade wohoo!

A) Blue Moon

last Dec-31-2009 my friend Jay called me and said to go out and look at the moon. Out of curiosity, I immediately oblige and saw this (i dont know if i took a good shot and you are able to notice the halo around the moon)

Actually I was surprised bcoz I've just read and saw a picture of same incident weeks ago; I just cant remember if twas from another country or state. People who have observed this kind of phenomenon were scared saying that this is a sign of "end" of the planet.

But instead of being scared, I was mesmerized with its beauty. I forgot what the scientific explanation was, but one of my friends in FaceBook said that this is called Blue Moon. He added that it doesnt happen a lot, that is why it's called "Once in a Blue Moon"

B) Planner

The end of the year automatically means changing of calendars and planner. For the past 3 years I've been using the Barnes and Nobles Planner.

what i like about this planner are:

1) Month Grids are the perfect size for me
2) spacious lines for weekly view
3) the quality of paper
4) gold plates on the side
5) durable hard cover
6) caricatures

of course just like any calendar, i buy them last week of the year where everythings all 50% off. I got mine for $10 (original is $20) which is really cheap = 83 cents for 12 pages each month. Bargain yeah
