Thursday, February 26, 2009

m#3: Kung Ako Nalang Sana

M#2: Let the Love Begin

M#1: I Will Always Love You

Favorite Soundtrack: I Will Always Love you by Nina.

just ok movie for me. Generic.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Randon Roar:Math, Tea and Hamster Vu


phew! what a day. 9pm last night i started to work on my 2 chapter homework. i already slept 6:30am this morning and did not finish what im suppose to do. i have accomplished only 80% of the two chapter assignment. i was so tired and sleepy that i have to skip my first period to at least have an hour sleep before the midterm exams.

i woke up 7:30am (exactly one hour after i shut my eyes). prepared to go to school. passed by the 7-11 and grabbed 20oz BLACK COFFEE ahaha.

i asked one of my classmate if he was able to finish Chapters 1 and 2 homework, he said, "Nope. I did not do anything. It's only 5% of your final grade so its not worth the time." ahehehe. here i was working so hard to finish those 400 pages problems of algrebaic equation but some people chose not to do it since its only 5% of the final grade. hmmmm. made me think.

nevertheless, i will still do my homework, that 5% might be useful and pull my grades up. but starting now, i will do everything in advance so i dont have to cram again. and it made me feel bad skippin a class.


After class i decided to go to Target. i have to look for expandable file folders for my notes. i remembered i have to buy tea bags. everyday i consume school, i at least drink 3 cups of misto. everything too much is not good so i decided to alternate it with tea.

then i saw this Tea Mugs. its kinda cool and i think this mug is best for me. it has a built it Liner. just push the little handle down and the liner goes down. you can also use ground coffee if you wanna brew your own or a certain mix you like. licious! its $9.99 plus tax. AND its microwavable and dishwasher safe! w00t w00t w00t

Hamster Vu

Vu was born like 3 weeks ago. He has gotten bigger. He is so playful and so CUUUTTTIIE!

awww look at that cute little fella on my lap. licious!

Vu with his mommy Adora ahahah

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Post Valentine Pics

i was at walgreens feb 2008 and i saw this merchandise...a lion so cutteee!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Got my exams back and a note from the teacher...

(i may sound cocky on my blog today. forgive me. im just proud of what i've achieved after all the hard work huhuhu rofl)

Last week was our exam week for both History A and History B. Cors exam week is always stressful for me coz I have to study the whole day and night reading and researching.

History A - a week ago, our teacher announced that we'll have a quiz on Thursday. It will be based on that days lecture and it will be an essay. The class starts at 7:45am and ends at 9:15am. The professor started to lecture and I was kinda wondering what time that test will start. It was already 9am and i thought we are not gonna have the exams anymore when she said to prepare a blank sheet of paper. She gave us three choices and 5 MINUTES to write an essay pertaining to the question we chose. DAMN! 5 minutes o_O.

i chose number 2 question : Discuss life in English colonies by the 1760's and 1770's.
do i have time to think...OF COURSE NOT! lolz it takes me at least 2 hours to compose an intro. but with the time pressure, i just abruptly answered and just wrote whatever hahah

Result: Handed today, if you got a CHECK, it means you got perfect score, if you got a DASH, it means your essay is not sufficient, however if you get a CHECK and a PLUS mark, then it means you did better than perfect...(huh, made me there any better than perfect? oh yeah there is PURRRRRRfect like a BIGCAT ahehe)

surprisingly i got a check and a plus mark (im not being cocky hahaha)

History B - essay questions were already given 1 week before the actual test. i originally chose number 1 which is about reconstruction period. then i realized, it is too complicated plus all those extra research and readings ugh!. so i decided to do number 3 which is about western expansion of the Union and how these changes affected Chinese Americans and Mexican Americans politically, socially and economically. Ms. Nava has graded our exams but she did not handed the blue books till the end of the class.

Result: I was kinda nervous, when i got my blue book and i thought i messed it up coz there was a note written on front page that says "RE: Read #3". i didnt know what it meant. did i just misinterpreted the question and all my answers were wrong. damnit! until i got to the last page and found this

(Excellent Work A+ 99, One of the best in class. May I have a copy?) whoa! w00t w00t w00t

Funny thing is, I composed this essay from 12nn to 10pm, I was so hungry and I was craving for QUICKLY's teriyaki i hurriedly shut down my pc...which was a STUPID STUPID STUPID thing to do IF YOU DID NOT SAVE YOUR WORK! i almost wanted to cry coz 75% was lost. (whats wrong with the auto save feature? now i turned it on every 3 minutes or should not be using computer at all when doing your exams and projects..paper and pen is much better haha). The beauty of it, if you wrote something and understood, youll be able to rewrite it again...which i did while eating at quickly's but it didnt take me hours or an hour to recover the 75% loss. wohoo!

Note: You can prewrite your essay but when you come on the examination, everything should be in yer head. I think what happened was a blessing in disguise, coz rewriting the whole thing is like a practice exam.

oh btw, and Ms. Nava said, with her 15 years of academic teaching at Evergreen Valley College, our class was the first class that got bunches of A's. damn, a lot of smart asses ahaha....if thats the case then im glad that im a part of that class. im not saying im one of them (o_O :D) but at least im sorrounded with smart people and its kinda contagious...first midterms finish (xcept for math) so mi gander for a while...w00t w00t w00t!

Monday, February 16, 2009

First Time I've Received Flowers

Dis year, Valentine's day for me isn't really romantic. i worked the whole day from 8am to 10pm. Phew! while driving back home, i was so ecstatic singing at the top of my lungs (ahaha) my sixth sense generating some good vibes, i knew something right will happen. i got home and there was this box sittin on top of my workstation. i never really expected twas for me until i saw the label from anonymous sender.

twas from my BOO! love you Boo!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Baby Hamster

I named him Vu-Van.

Monday, February 9, 2009

First Essay Exam

February 9, 2008
First Essay Exam for History B. Choose one topic.

What topic should I pick? Any suggestions?

1) Develop a critical essay examining the positive and negative effects of the Reconstruction period. What kind of impact did these effects have on the African American community and the working class and the Women's movement? (Be sure to make reference to the 13, 14 and 15 amendments, the compromise of 1877, the AWSA, NWSA and Plessy V. Ferguson in your analysis). Conclude with an evaluation of the similarities and impact that Hurricane Katrina had on the African American Community, poor Whites, and other minorities and/or the effects of Reconstruction on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

2) Examine and critically analyze the historical events, concepts, and laws that crushed the American Indians, concluding with the Battle of Wounded Knee. In your discussion, make sure you critically analyze the political, social, and economic differences between the American Indian and the "New" American. Conclude with an analysis of their difference.

3)With the development of American West came changes in American society. Develop an essay summarizing the political, social, and economic changes that occured after the Civil War and into the late 1800's in the American West. In your discussion, discuss how the Chinise and Mexican Americans were affected by these changes and analyze how each of these groups pushed against the prevailing attitudes of the government in order to buitl strong communities. Conclude with the evaluation of their effectiveness.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

685 Pages

February 8, 2009

Before everything else, i wanna greet YOU Happy 5 years and 7 monthsary! yeey! You know you are my everything.

so whats the agenda for this week....

damn lots of stuffs to do man..

work...1 binder down and 12 more to go. have to make calls to make appointments, follow ups

school...for this week i have to read 685 pages accumulative for all subjects i have, 3 essays due this week, history A quiz, history b quiz, chapters one and two math assignment. havent done anything haha

personal...need to clean my car, fru frus cage, have to update my journal but i cant remember what happened the rest of the week. some friends needs help, some invitations and they got mad at me coz i cant attend.

people always say, "You are ALWAYS Busy!" and i will So occupied this week and next week. but i could use a little bit of fun IN MODERATION. coffee...movies maybe...

Love You!

hopefully i'll survive.

oh i forgot to say, i am sick with terrible terrible headache, nasty cough and cold. so goodluck to me. wish you were here to give me a hug, the tower of my strength

Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to School

February 2, 2009 10:42am

- started the day early coz i have lots of things to do. i dont know how to balance my time between having two jobs and full time student. its been a long while since i've updated my Blog and Rudy, my friend, told me earlier to update. so, whats up with me? im BACK TO SCHOOL! this is our second week and im still excited. School system here in America is totally different where i attended school in the Philippines. As of now, im taking general subjects and hopefully pre requisites for ASN program.

- this are the books i carry to school everyday (most of them are used, i cant believe how expensive books are. they cost more than my tuition. haha)
History A
Professor Barley
7:45am - 9:15am

- this class is okay. i thought, id be sleepy at my first subject but surprisingly im mostly awake. is it because i just sipped my coffee or because...hahah nevermind.

Math 11R
Professor Bronson
9:20am - 10:40am

- i love math specially ALGEBRA but i wish i have a better professor. i cant understand what he is saying. I can hardly hear coz its either he whispers or mumbles. Good thing, the book is VERY THoROugh.

History B
Professor Nava
10:45am - 12:10pm

- most intimidating subject i have and i guess the most stressful and hectic. I like Miss Nava, she knows how to perk your senses most specially when you feel sleepy. she knows the subject very well and very opinionated with the current events. 3 major exams all essay. requires BOOK REVIEW, TERM PAPER and ORAL Presentation.

Book Review: America is in the Heart
She gave us choices which book to read, quickly i chosed America is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan. I wasnt sure if the author is Filipino until Ms. Nava said, it is a story about a filipino-american and his struggles here in America. She also remarked that this is one of her favorite novel.

TERM Paper: I chose, the Presidential Election. It's a MILESTONE! so i've started to collect clippings about Pres. Barack Obama

Reading Assignments for WEEK Two (Feb 3 and Feb 5)

History A - 87 pages
Math 11R - 90 pages
History B - 124 pages

Total of 301 pages, that i have to finish reading today.

Going back to school gave me an Excuse to buy a New Mac Book hah. I love the new mac book!
